ASTANA VISION doctors in Astana

We are proud to present to you our team of highly qualified professionals who are ready to offer high-level medical care. Our clinic is committed to providing our patients with optimal health and well-being, and our physicians are key to achieving this goal.

Panchenko Snezhana Konstantinovna

Medical Director, Candidate of Medical Sciences, leading cataract surgeon.

Pushkar Stanislav Igorevich

Head of the department, leading refractive ophthalmic surgeon, doctor of the first qualification category.

Remesnikov Igor Alexandrovich

Medical director of the ASTANA VISION clinic network, leading refractive ophthalmic surgeon, candidate of medical sciences, member of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS).

Alpyshev Olzhas Ibragimovich

Ophthalmologist, ophthalmic surgeon of the first category.

Teshchenko Elena Alexandrovna

Врач высшей категории, специалист в области лечения заболеваний сетчатки, постоянный участник международных конгрессов, семинаров, круглых столов

Almukhambetova Daniya Kuzhakhmetovna

Leading refractive ophthalmic surgeon, doctor of the highest qualification category.

Nazarova Lazzat Zhaldybaevna

Leading refractive ophthalmic surgeon, doctor of the highest category, member of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS).

Idrisova Aigul Nurlanovna

Ophthalmologist, doctor of the highest qualification category

Temirbaev Daniar Keldenovich

Refractive ophthalmic surgeon.

Kuderinova Aniya Bekbulatovna

Ophthalmic surgeon, doctor of the second qualification category.

Abilkakimova Asiya Yerguatovna

The doctor is an ophthalmologist of the second qualification category.

Aytimova Aigerim Abdimalikovna

Doctor – ophthalmologist, doctor of the first qualification category.

Bazaeva Sevil Rasimovna

Refractive ophthalmic surgeon, doctor of the first qualification category.

Zhumabekov Ermek Nursbekovich

Ophthalmologist, doctor of the first qualification category

Kuanyshbaeva Botagoz Kairatovna


Zhanzakov Miras Nurmagambetovich


Begeyeva Bibigul’ Shamil’yevna


Tsoy Victor Valerievich

Plastic surgeon
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